With the PURION 2500 36W can be reliably supplied with freshly disinfected drinking water. Especially with increasing water prices and connection fees, this is not only the case with small systems. With a capacity of 2,500 l/h the PURION 2500 36W in terms of electricity costs, a very efficient UV-C disinfection system. The physical process does not change the drinking water in terms of taste or smell. This system kills bacteria and viruses, and that makes them thoroughly and reliable. Low replacement lamp costs, a long beam use duration and a low-maintenance operation round off this high-quality UV-C system. The valuable stainless steel from which the outer body consists is also used in the food industry and is therefore predestined for drinking water. When it comes to self-sufficiency with drinking water from wells, cisterns, lakes or rivers PURION To install 2500 36W.
This system is designed for a voltage range of 85-264V by a long-voltage operating operating device and can thus be used in many different countries. The system is equipped with a euro plug and can also be used for other types of plugs with an adapter (not included).
The UV-C lamp has a natural drop in performance over the duration of its lifetime. We guarantee that the lamp has reached the promised flow output after 10,000 hours. After this time, the lamp must be changed, the lamp runtime knife and the service life monitoring (OTC) signal the right time. The hours in which the lamp is switched on are counted and the values are output via an LED display. A green LED shines up to 9,000 hours, between 9,000 and 10,000 hours the pre -alarm is displayed with a yellow LED and after 10,000 hours a red LED lights up. So the right time is not missed to change the lamp.
This UV-C disinfection system of PURION met all technical requirements of the drinking water regulation. The stainless steel used 1,4571 also becomes in the food industry and thus fulfills the norm. The required UV-C dose of 400 J/m² is performed with a UV-C trans mission of 90% T1 cm in compliance with the prescribed, maximum flow rate. This UV-C system thus reaches a disinfection rate of 99.99%that the legislator prescribes. For trademark protection law reasons, this system has no DVGW-Ktique, so in individual cases it must be clarified with the health department whether the UV-C disinfection system can be used.
In addition to the system, this bundle includes another replacement lamp, the right assembly tile and a service kit for intensive cleaning.