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Die PURION GmbH bietet mit ihrem Produkt PURION 2501 PVC-U OTC Plus professionelle Reinigungsdienstleistungen für Salzwasserpools mit modernster UV-C-Desinfektionsverfahrenstechnologie an.
Eine PURION 2501 PVC-U OTC Plus Blaulichtröhre auf weißem Hintergrund, die das UV-C-Desinfektionsverfahren nutzt. (Markenname: PURION GmbH)
Die PURION GmbH ist ein führender Anbieter von PURION 2501 PVC-U OTC Plus und bietet erstklassige Salzwasserpools- und Reinigungsdienstleistungen.
Ein schwarz-gelbes PURION 2501 PVC-U OTC Plus Wasserfiltersystem mit UV-C-Desinfektionsverfahren auf weißem Hintergrund.
Eine Informationsgrafik mit Symbolen und Text, die die Funktionen des PURION 1000 PVC-U 110 – 240 V AC OTC Plus hervorheben: bewährte Qualität, PVC-U-Komponenten, spezielles Design für Salzwasserpools, lange Lebensdauer, hergestellt in Deutschland, mit kostenlosem Support.
Die PURION GmbH bietet mit ihrem Produkt PURION 2501 PVC-U OTC Plus professionelle Reinigungsdienstleistungen für Salzwasserpools mit modernster UV-C-Desinfektionsverfahrenstechnologie an.
Eine PURION 2501 PVC-U OTC Plus Blaulichtröhre auf weißem Hintergrund, die das UV-C-Desinfektionsverfahren nutzt. (Markenname: PURION GmbH)
Die PURION GmbH ist ein führender Anbieter von PURION 2501 PVC-U OTC Plus und bietet erstklassige Salzwasserpools- und Reinigungsdienstleistungen.
Ein schwarz-gelbes PURION 2501 PVC-U OTC Plus Wasserfiltersystem mit UV-C-Desinfektionsverfahren auf weißem Hintergrund.
Eine Informationsgrafik mit Symbolen und Text, die die Funktionen des PURION 1000 PVC-U 110 – 240 V AC OTC Plus hervorheben: bewährte Qualität, PVC-U-Komponenten, spezielles Design für Salzwasserpools, lange Lebensdauer, hergestellt in Deutschland, mit kostenlosem Support.


    Plus - with life monitoring

8,529 kr
8,529 kr

*incl. ges. VAT

    ✓ Reliable quality
    ✓ Access to spare parts
    ✓ More than 15 years of experience
    ✓ PVC-U without plasticizers

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  • Our surveillance levels are explained here

Zuverlässig hochwertig: das PURION Qualitätsversprechen.

Nachhaltige Produkte Made in Germany – von lebensmittelechten Materialien bis hin zu verlässlichem Zugriff auf Ersatzteile.

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  • Our surveillance levels are explained here

Larger salt water pools up to 50m³ can be used with one PURION 2501 can be cleaned ecologically harmless. In order to be able to fully use the advantages of a salt water pool for keeping the skin healthy, cleaning must also be based on health aspects. The classic variant of pool cleaning with chlorine contradicts this finding, because the advantages that a salt water pool has for the skin are lifted again by the disadvantages of the chlorine. In contrast, the PURION 2501 P with the help of the UV-C disinfection process. In this process, the pelvic water is irradiated with UV-C, which dissolves the DNA compounds of bacteria and algae. As a result, the salt water pool remains algae -free and can become a feel -good oasis. The PURION 2501 P neither changes the taste nor the smell of the water. Unlike cleaning with chlorine, the composition of the water is not changed. A salt water pool should be maintained with the same care that you treat yourself to when buying such a pool.

Thanks to a long voltage operating device, this system is designed for a voltage range of 85-264V and can therefore be used in many countries. The system is equipped with a euro connector and can also be used for other types of plugs with an adapter (not included).

Due to the PVC thrush, the device is also suitable for salt water. Since the welds of stainless steel are attacked by the salt, there is no alternative to PVC for salt water.

In order to keep a pool permanently algae, the correct coordination between the pump and UV-C system is necessary. The rule is that at least three times the pelvic content flows through the UV-C system during the day. The maximum flow rate of 14m³/h should not be exceeded, otherwise the water will no longer be disinfected correctly. In certain cases, it is necessary to run the system longer: this is z. B. after heavy rains or if the water has stood in the pool over the winter, urgently needed.

With an unfavorable starting situation with many algae, it can be an advantage to use a biological flocide agent to support the UV-C system.

    Blog article:
    Technical data:
    Adhesive muffle DN50
    14 m³/h pool water
Dimensions (L x B in mm)
    1000 x 110
Flange spacing
    700 mm
    66 kg
Ray use duration
    10,000 h
Number of spotlights
    400 J/m²
Maximum temperature
    40 ° C
Housing protection type
    IP 65
Electrical connection
    110 - 240 V, 50 - 60 Hz
    90 W
    10 A
Maximum operating pressure
    10 bar
Water temperature
    2 ° C to 40 ° C
    Scope of delivery:
Download data sheet
    - UV disinfection system
    - UV lamp (90 w)
    - operating instructions
Download data sheet
Data sheet 1:
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Operating instructions 1:
Data sheet 1:
Data sheet 1:
Data sheet 1:
    Technical data:
    Adhesive muffle DN50
    14 m³/h pool water
Dimensions (L x B in mm)
    1000 x 110
Flange spacing
    700 mm
    66 kg
Ray use duration
    10,000 h
    400 J/m²
Maximum temperature
    40 ° C
Housing protection type
    IP 65
Electrical connection
    110 - 240 V, 50 - 60 Hz
    90 W
    10 A
Maximum operating pressure
    10 bar
Water temperature
    2 ° C to 40 ° C
    Adhesive muffle DN50
    14 m³/h pool water
Dimensions (L x B in mm)
    1000 x 110
Flange spacing
    700 mm
    66 kg
Ray use duration
    10,000 h
Number of spotlights
    400 J/m²
Maximum temperature
    40 ° C
Housing protection type
    IP 65
Electrical connection
    110 - 240 V, 50 - 60 Hz
    90 W
    10 A
Maximum operating pressure
    10 bar
Water temperature
    2 ° C to 40 ° C
Download data sheet
Data sheet 1:
Download data sheet
Télécharger la fiche technique
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Download Datenblatt Italienisch
Download Datenblatt Polnisch
Data sheet 1:
Data sheet 1:
Data sheet 1:
Operating instructions 1:
    Scope of delivery:
    - UV disinfection system
    - UV lamp (90 w)
    - operating instructions
    Adapter sets and fittings:
    To the adapter sets
  • PURION UVC lamp 90 W
    1 099 kr
  • PURION Service kit
    299 kr
  • 10 pack universal filter socks
    260 kr
  • PURION Montage set Singles Type 2 PVC-U
    390 kr
  • Two 1 1/2 "inch D50 screw connection with adhesive muffle
    260 kr
  • PURION Diving pipe system T2500/2501 PVC-U
    1 170 kr
    Blog article:
    Frequently asked questions:
Can this system overheat?

The company's pool systems PURION If there is no overheating problem, the UVC system should be switched on, but no water flow takes place.

Does the system automatically switch on the water flow?

No. We recommend that the UV system always put the UV system into operation in combination with the pump, which uses the full flow for disinfection. Since the system has a relative large diameter, there is no failure, the pump should be defective and this does not lead to water flow when the UV lamp is switched.

How do I know which UV-C system is the right one for me?

For an optimal effect, we recommend changing the entire pool content at least three times a day. However, the system should be in operation at least 8 hours a day so that there is also sufficient ventilation and filtration. The circulation rate is therefore based on the respective performance of the pump used and sand filter. The net performance of the pump can be reduced by cable lengths and heights to be overcome.
Also interesting: In our compact systems, the pump, sand filter and UVC system are ideally coordinated and already pre -assembled.

How long does the system have to run to keep a pool with algae?

There is a simple calculation for this: the pool content should flow through the UV-C system at least three times a day in order to kill a large part of the algae by mixing a corresponding mixing. If the algae growth is reinforced, for example, if the phases of extreme solar radiation or after strong rainfall or a thunderstorm, we recommend the circulation rate to four times upheaval.
Regardless of the circulation rate, we recommend that the system have min. 8 hours a day in operation in order to enable sufficient ventilation and filtration.

Is chlorine also required for pool cleaning?

If all three basic recommendations for the use of UV-C system in the pool area, the pool can be operated completely without chlorine. If necessary, the selective application of a biological flocculation means is worthwhile. However, our high-quality UV-C lamps allow a combination of chlorine and UV-C, since no ozone is created that would be reactive with chlorine.

What does the UV-C systems of PURION out of?

The high-quality UV-C lamps of the brand PURION are durable and very powerful. They produce a very high UV-C content. The lamps we use in the pool area are also used in other facilities in drinking water preparation. The UV lamps used do not emit any radiation below 250nm, which excludes the formation of toxic ozone. Thus the systems of the PURION In combination with other preparation procedures that are used e.g. chlorine.

Do you recommend the use of ozone?

No, from our point of view, ozone should not be used in the pool area under any circumstances. Ozone is highly toxic. Excess ozone has to be destroyed again, whereby it is usually unclear how much ozone is left. In addition, Ozon reacts with chlorine, so that the effect of both procedures is greatly reduced. Cheap produced UV lamps often also emit radiation below 250nm, which means that ozone can be formed. This is with the systems of the PURION excluded.

Why does the UV-C lamp have to be changed after 10,000 hours even though it still works?

Each UV-C lamp has a technical drop in the UV-C performance. The manufacturer guarantees that the system will reach 60% UV-C output after 10,000 hours. The specified data on the systems always refer to this 60% performance. However, the drop in performance continues to increase from a term of 10,000 hours. Therefore, the lamp still works, but there is no longer enough UV-C output for an optimal disinfection result.

When do I need a life of life?

A service life monitoring is recommended for all users who do not permanently let the system switch on. A change of the lamp is recommended every 10,000 hours, since the manufacturer also does not guarantee the performance, i.e. the amount of UV-C radiation dose required for safe disinfection.

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