Can this system overheat?
The company's pool systems PURION If there is no overheating problem, the UVC system should be switched on, but no water flow takes place.
How do I know which UV-C system is the right one for me?
For an optimal effect, we recommend changing the entire pool content at least three times a day. However, the system should be in operation at least 8 hours a day so that there is also sufficient ventilation and filtration. Our customer service will be happy to help you determine the right dimensioning.
How long does the system have to run to keep a pool with algae?
There is a simple calculation for this: the pool content should flow through the UV-C system at least three times a day in order to kill a large part of the algae by mixing a corresponding mixing. If algae growth is reinforced, for example during phases of extreme sunlight or after strong rainfall or a thunderstorm, we recommend the circulation rate to set four times upheaval. Regardless of the circulation rate, we recommend that the system have at least 8 hours a day in operation to enable sufficient ventilation and filtration.
Is chlorine also required for pool cleaning?
If all three basic recommendations for the use of UV-C system in the pool area, the pool can be operated completely without chlorine. If necessary, the selective application of a biological flocculation means is recommended. However, our high-quality UV-C lamps allow a combination of chlorine and UV-C, since no ozone is created that would be reactive with chlorine.
What does the UV-C systems of PURION out of?
The high-quality UV-C lamps of the brand PURION are durable and very powerful. They produce a very high UV-C content. The lamps we use in the pool area are also used in other systems in the drinking water treatment. The UV lamps used do not emit any radiation below 250 Nm, which excludes the formation of toxic ozone. Thus the systems of the PURION in combination with other preparation procedures that use chlorine, for example, are used.
What are the requirements for electrical installation?
Our compact systems can be operated via regular sockets that are customary in household with 10A or 16A. Ideally, these are also secured with a separate FI/LS switch laid out on 30mA or better 10mA.
Do you recommend the use of ozone?
No, from our point of view, ozone should not be used in the pool area under any circumstances. Ozone is highly toxic. Excess ozone has to be destroyed again, whereby it is usually unclear how much ozone is left. In addition, Ozon reacts with chlorine, so that the effect of both procedures is greatly reduced. Cheap produced UV lamps often also emit radiation below 250 Nm, which can result in ozone. This is with the systems of the PURION excluded.
Why does the UV-C lamp have to be changed after 10,000 hours even though it still works?
Each UV-C lamp has a technical drop in the UV-C performance. The manufacturer guarantees that the system will reach 60% UV-C output after 10,000 hours. The specified data on the systems always refer to this 60% performance. However, the drop in performance continues to increase from a term of 10,000 hours. Therefore, the lamp still works, but there is no longer enough UV-C output for an optimal disinfection result.
When do I need a life of life?
A service life monitoring is recommended for all users who do not permanently let the system switch on. A change of the lamp is recommended every 10,000 hours, since the manufacturer also does not guarantee the performance, i.e. the amount of UV-C radiation dose required for safe disinfection.