Autarke Wasserversorgung für Mobile Anwendungen: PURION Mobile Concept

Self-sufficient water supply for mobile applications: PURION Mobile Concept

Written by: Eric Glasser



Time to read 1 min

Background: More and more often, people want a self-sufficient water supply for mobile applications such as caravan mobiles, expedition vehicles or boats. The goal: fresh drinking water without having to rely on plastic bottles. But how do you protect yourself from potential contamination when filling or during storage?

Challenge: A holistic solution must act during filling, storage and withdrawal of water from the tank, and it must do so without chemical substances. However, space is limited and a duplicate set of equipment is not desirable.

Solution: PURION mobile Concept

The set combines a PURION UV system, pump, 2x 3-way valves, sediment filter and an activated carbon filter. For existing pumps, integrated interfaces are available for easy control.


  • Water is passed through sediment and activated carbon filters.
  • The UV system disinfects the water before it is stored in the tank.

Circulation mode (storage):

  • Continuous circulation of the water in the tank.
  • The water is again passed through the activated carbon filter and the UV system to ensure drinking water quality at all times.



  • During removal, the water is passed through the activated carbon filter and the UV system.
  • Ensuring that the withdrawn water complies with the standards of the Drinking Water Ordinance.

Conclusion: The PURION mobile triple solution is the optimal solution for mobile applications. It offers holistic, chemical-free water treatment - from filling to withdrawal - in a compact and efficient package.