Where there is little space available, it feels PURION 400 at home. The compact design of only 23.7cm length makes it possible to install in the smallest motorhome. Disease risks that could emerge from water at campsites or at petrol stations prevents the built-in UV-C lamp with 10W ecologically and economically. With an output of 300 l/h, this system is dimensioned in such a way that it also supplies larger motorhomes stable with stunned drinking water. The big advantage is that the water is neither changed in the smell, taste nor in the composition. Important minerals are preserved in the water and do not have to be added. There are no disinfectants in the water. Due to the low-maintenance and extremely efficient 10W lamp, time and money are also saved. In the future, enjoy all the advantages that a motorhome will give you without worrying about the germs of your drinking water.
With the help of the 12V connection, this system can be integrated into different circuit. Examples include batteries and photovoltaic panels or the circuit of a motorhome. Especially with photovoltaic panels, a battery is incessant because the UV-C lamp has to be delivered constant 12V voltage.
This UV-C disinfection system of PURION met all technical requirements of the drinking water regulation. The stainless steel used 1,4571 also becomes in the food industry and thus fulfills the norm. The required UV-C dose of 400 J/m² is performed with a UV-C trans mission of 90% T1 cm in compliance with the prescribed, maximum flow rate. This UV-C system thus reaches a disinfection rate of 99.99%that the legislator prescribes. For trademark protection law reasons, this system has no DVGW-Ktique, so in individual cases it must be clarified with the health department whether the UV-C disinfection system can be used.