If you wish to lead a largely self -sufficient life, the focus is on the question of drinking water supply. In order to be able to enjoy water from wells, lakes, rivers or cisterns, it must be prepared beforehand. The drinking water treatment is a complex field in which a suitable processing chain must be compiled depending on the condition of the output water. Bacteria, germs and viruses are the greatest danger to health. PURION 500 represents the perfect combination of power -saving device and very good disinfection system, which leaves pathogens no chance. Due to the low length of 32cm, this system can be easily integrated into the smallest water circuit. In terms of dimensioning, the PURION 500 ideal for use in small holiday homes and larger motorhomes. For a self -sufficient life without worry about drinking water quality, it is PURION 500 the safest solution.
With the help of the 12V connection, this system can be integrated into different circuit. Examples include batteries and photovoltaic panels or the circuit of a motorhome. Especially with photovoltaic panels, a battery is incessant because the UV-C lamp has to be delivered constant 12V voltage.
This UV-C disinfection system of PURION met all technical requirements of the drinking water regulation. The stainless steel used 1,4571 also becomes in the food industry and thus fulfills the norm. The required UV-C dose of 400 J/m² is performed with a UV-C trans mission of 90% T1 cm in compliance with the prescribed, maximum flow rate. This UV-C system thus reaches a disinfection rate of 99.99%that the legislator prescribes. For trademark protection law reasons, this system has no DVGW-Ktique, so in individual cases it must be clarified with the health department whether the UV-C disinfection system can be used.