Which UV-C dose is used?
Depending on the device configuration, a dose between 65 and 120J/m² is reached. This enables a disinfection of 99.99% for all of our systems. In our experience, a disinfection of the entire room air can be achieved between 80% and 88%. We recommend 80% for warehouse, sports and generally larger halls. 88% we recommend for rooms with public traffic, such as offices, class, conference or practice rooms, etc. If you have any questions, you can contact our customer service.
Emissions arise?
The systems are designed and approved according to the latest regulations. If necessary, our customer service can answer questions on the topic and provide appropriate evidence.
Is ozone released?
Our high-quality UV-C lamps are designed in such a way that no wavelengths are released below 250nm. As a result, there is no ozone and the AIRPURION active Plants can be easily used in rooms with public traffic, offices, schools, conference rooms or similar.
Can this system overheat?
Due to the leaning air exchange, there is no overheating.
What is the advantage of ceiling installation compared to stand devices?
In principle, we recommend a ceiling assembly because the air flow is derived upwards. In the case of stand devices, untreated air is led horizontally through the room at a low height. Here contamination can be concentrated in limited areas, which increases the risk of infection in the worst case.
How should the AIRPURION be placed in the room?
The systems should be placed in the room so that they work with the convection of the room. The room air rises where it is heated. So it is distributed in the room, e.g. from a radiator. Ideally, there is an even distribution in the room. The UV-C systems should not work towards the convection. Please note that room divisors, high cupboards or the like can also have an impact on air circulation in the room. We would be happy to create a recommendation at which points the systems should ideally be placed in the room. To do this, we need floor plans in which radiators, windows and doors are drawn. Please contact our customer service.
Why does the UV-C lamp have to be changed after 10,000 hours even though it still works?
Each UV-C lamp has a technical drop in the UV-C performance. The manufacturer guarantees that the system will reach 60% UV-C output after 10,000 hours. The specified data on the systems always refer to this 60% performance. However, the drop in performance continues to increase from a term of 10,000 hours. Therefore, the lamp still works, but there is no longer enough UV-C output for an optimal disinfection result.